How to Prepare Delicious Sayur Asem

Sayur Asem.

Sayur Asem You can have Sayur Asem using 13 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Sayur Asem

  1. You need 1 potong of jagung.
  2. You need 1/4 bh of kubis potong2.
  3. It's 1/2 bh of labu potong2.
  4. Prepare 1/2 bh of terong potong2.
  5. You need 4 lbr of daun melinjo.
  6. Prepare 3 mata of asem.
  7. You need 4 of cabe.
  8. Prepare 3 of bawang merah.
  9. Prepare 3 of bawang putih.
  10. Prepare 3 of kemiri.
  11. It's 2 lbr of daun salam.
  12. You need 2 cm of laos.
  13. You need 700 ml of air.

Sayur Asem instructions

  1. Rebus duo bawang dan cabe, tiriskan. Lalu haluskan bersama kemiri. Sisihkan..
  2. Rebus air smp mendidih. Masukkan sayuran yg keras dulu, terong dan jagung..
  3. Setelah empuk, masukkan sayuran yg lain dan bumbu halusnya jg asem. Beri garam, gula pasir. Tes rasa.
  4. Sajikan.