Easiest Way to Make Appetizing Urap Sayur
Urap Sayur.
You can cook Urap Sayur using 23 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Urap Sayur
- Prepare of untuk sayur rebus:.
- It's of kangkung.
- Prepare of kacang panjang.
- Prepare of wortel parut.
- It's of tauge.
- Prepare of sawi putih / kol.
- Prepare of Urap.
- Prepare 1 of kelapa parut.
- It's of bumbuhalus :.
- Prepare 6 of bawang merah.
- You need 3-4 of baput.
- Prepare 1 of cabe merah besar spy ga tll pedas.
- Prepare of cabe keriting 8 pcs buang biji.
- It's 1 of kemiri.
- It's 1 sdt of terasi.
- You need 1 sdt of gula merah.
- You need of tambahannya.
- You need 1 ruas of kencur.
- It's of gula.
- Prepare of mecin sdkt.
- You need of garam.
- You need 4 of daun jeruk.
- Prepare 8 of daun kari (ak suka aromanya) optional ya.
Urap Sayur step by step
- Tumis bumbu halus sbntar, masukan daun jeruk dan kari yg sdh di sobek2, tumis sampai wangi. Bumbui garam,gula, dan sdkt mecin / kaldu jamur..
- Masukan kelapa parut dan masak dgn api kecil smp urap aga kering..
- Finishing tata sayuran di piring secukupnya dan beri urapnya, aduk rata. siap disajikan deh...